On Sunday, June 2nd the Park Rangers are hosting our second Cornhole Tournament directly after church! All are invited to join, though if you plan to compete - please sign up through the link ahead of time. To enter the tournament, CLICK HERE https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3KCBSG3
Cornhole players (15+ years old) can compete in the tournament for $10 per team. ALL are invited to come support those playing and children will have their own cornhole boards to play a round on.
Thinking you’d like to join without entering the tournament? Support our players on the day of the tournament by voting ahead of time for who you feel is most likely to win! Jars for each team registered ahead of time will be in the back of the church!
Contact Alexa with any questions Email: asue0312@gmail.com
This fundraiser supports National Alliance on Mental Health Illness, Butler County, which goes along with Park Rangers upcoming 30-hour Famine from Social Media!